Mountain Lions
Mountain Lion Awareness
Conejo open space areas provide habitat and movement corridors for many species, including mountain lions. As these cats occasionally make their presence known to our open space neighbors, we're providing the information below about mountain lions as well as how to keep livestock safe. If you'd like to learn about hiking in mountain lion habitat, see our Trail Safety page.
From NP
From the Felidae Fund
From the Mountain Lion Foundation
Restoring Connectivity for Mountain Lion Habitat
The long-term survival of the mountain lion population in our region depends on the ability of these animals to move between habitat regions to maintain genetic diversity and overall population health.
A solution to address this issue -- a wildlife crossing across the 101 Freeway, the biggest barrier between the Santa Monica Mountains and other large natural areas -- is currently being drafted by Caltrans. A private fundraising initiative is raising money for the effort. Learn more about The Wildlife Crossing Project.